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    Collaboration: Sharing Your AncestryDNA Results


    Updated: Jun 11, 2020

    Working collaboratively with other researchers is an essential part of successful research, and the ability to share AncestryDNA results with others is an easy way to get started. Perhaps a parent or sibling has tested and you’d like to view each other's results. Maybe you’ve found a match you believe will answer a genealogical mystery. Whatever your goal, sharing DNA results with other researchers is a great way to make new discoveries.

    Sharing Your AncestryDNA Results Step 1: Log into your AncestryDNA results by selecting Your DNA Results Summary under the DNA tab

    Step 2: Click on the Settings sprocket.

    Step 3: Scroll down the page and locate that section titled Sharing Preferences and select Change

    Step 4: This will open a list of all of the Ancestry users that you have already invited to view your results. On the right-hand side, each user is identified by the role you have assigned them in regards to your results. Your own test kit will show you as the owner, and any users who have not yet accepted their invitation will be listed at the end of the list. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and locate the Add a Person link. Click on it.

    Step 5: Enter the email address or the Ancestry username for the person who you’re inviting to view your results.

    Step 6: You will now define the role of the person by selecting one of three options.

    A Viewer is allowed to view your DNA results including your entire match list, but cannot make any changes or add any notes to your database. For most sharing situations, this is all you will need to establish a collaborative relationship.

    A Collaborator is granted permission to view the results, add notes to match data, create categories, and attach results to a tree. This category is perhaps most beneficial for working collaboratively with a family member who wishes to maintain major control of their results but wishes to allow you a greater role in working with the results.

    A Manager has access to all of the above, but with the added ability to send and receive messages in the test owner’s account, download raw DNA data, and even permanently delete the DNA results. Furthermore, the manager can invite others to view the results and can then assign roles to them. This category will be used in the rarest of circumstances, such as a close family member who has no interest in working with their DNA but is willing to allow you to manage their account.

    Step 7: Finally, click Send Invitation. Ancestry will send an email to the recipient with instructions to follow in order to accept your request. They will be required to log into their Ancestry user account in order to proceed.

    These 7 easy steps are a great first step to help you begin to collaborate with your AncestryDNA matches. By sharing these steps with others, they can invite you to view their results as well. Happy collaborating! Source Citation: Images: AncestryDNA. Image Capture, Sharing Preferences. [cited 2020 Jan 06]; #DNA #Genealogy #Collaboration

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