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    Privacy & Affiliate Policies

    Privacy Policy

    DNA Classroom is committed to keeping your personal information confidential, secure, and private.  By using, you agree to the following:

    Collection of Information
    This website collects the following information, including

    • Information you voluntarily provide, including your name, address, email address, and billing information.

    • Non-identifying Information automatically collected when you visit this website, including third party technology and cookies.

    Please know that we only collect personal information that you willingly provide by way of completed contact forms, emails, and subscription to our Lesson Blog.  The information collected will only be used to assist us in the operation of this website and to provide you with requested services.  We will not share or sell your information to third parties, except as required by law.

    Links to Other Websites
    This website may contain links to other websites that have their own privacy policies.  As we have no control of those sites, please refer to each site for their individual privacy policies.

    Unsubscribe or Opt Out
    All users have the option to unsubscribe from newsletters or email.  To do so, please send us a message through our Contact form.

    Changes to this Privacy Policy
    Any updates to this privacy policy will be posted to this page.  Should there be any substantial updates to our privacy policy that would affect the use of your private information, you will be contacted by email with an option to unsubscribe or opt out  of future use of DNA Classroom.

    Affiliate Policy

    This website includes affiliate links to other websites and DNA testing companies that may provide compensation to DNA Classroom when you purchase through these links.  The small income obtained through these affiliate links help pay for this website but do not increase your costs for these products.  Furthermore, any statements or opinions given on this site are entirely the opinion of this author and are not, in any way, influenced by these affiliate relationships.  DNA Classroom is firmly committed to maintaining independence and honesty in all content of this site.

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