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    About Us:

    DNA Classroom

    DNA Classroom was created to help you find your family by providing you with the resources to understand your DNA results and the skills to combine those results with standard genealogical research techniques.

    Shelly Harris

    Shelly Harris is a professional genetic genealogist with a passion for education.  She earned a B.A. in Communications with an emphasis in television and radio, which launched an 18 year career in educational marketing, first as a video producer/director in the public education field.   In this position, Shelly wrote, produced, directed, and edited educational programming for teacher training and classroom instruction, as well as produced a cable television program to highlight educational advances to the local community.  She then entered the private education field as a director of marketing. In 2015 she left the educational field to work full-time with traditional genealogy and DNA research.

    Shelly's launch into genealogy began with a lifelong interest in her family history which became a formal pursuit in 1999.  A firm believer in collaborative research, Shelly leads multiple surname study groups where she developed skills to work quickly to identify ancestral lines.  Shelly has sixteen years of experience combining standard genealogy research with DNA results. This began in 2006 with her first DNA test, a mitochondrial test with the National Genographic Project.  In 2008, she co-led a YDNA study for one of her surname groups and then tested autosomal DNA in 2012. Shelly has continued her support of collaborative research by leading or co-leading several DNA study groups. Her efforts have led to opportunities to teach, mentor other researchers, and provide research services for adoption and unknown ancestral lines.

    Shelly Harris is also a Travel Advisor, with 18 years of individual and group travel experience, including Heritage Travel to ancestral homelands.  Both land and cruise options are available.

    DNA Classroom combines Shelly’s professional background in education and extensive experience with genealogy and DNA research to provide you with information you need to help you find your family.  

    Education and Collaboration
    • International Society of Genetic Genealogy - Member

    • Institute for Genetic Genealogy (I4GG) - 2016 - attendee

    • RootsTech:  2017 - 2022 - attendee

    • Orange County California Genealogical Society - member and instructor

    • OCCGS - Instructor:  "Introduction to DNA" and "DNA Foundations"

    • North San Diego County Genealogical Society - education support

    • Community DNA classes, 2014 - present - speaker

    • High School Advanced Placement Biology classes - speaker

    • Barncord Genealogy Group, est. 2003 - leader

    • Pease & Warner Genealogy Group, est. 2002 - leader

    • Monroe Genealogy Group, est. 2002 - leader

    • Gipe Genealogy Group, est. 2019 - leader

    • Monroe YDNA Study, est. 2008 - co-leader

    • Bills & Twining DNA Study, est. 2014 - co-leader

    • Gipe & Barncord DNA Study, est. 2013, - leader

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