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    Resources for Successful DNA and Family Research

    Your DNA is unique, just as you are, and we’re here to help you discover your history. Whether you have taken a DNA test or are considering taking a DNA test, you may have questions about what to do next. Perhaps you wish to understand your ethnicity results. Maybe you’re adopted or have an unknown parent or desire to know more about your family history. The DNA Classroom blog provides lessons to help you learn the skills needed to solve your mysteries, whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced researcher. And, should you need a bit more help, we offer comprehensive research services, individualized mentoring, and group education and outreach. DNA Classroom is here to help you learn  . . . and to help you find YOU.


    Recent DNA Classroom Topics
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    Pedigree and Segments_edited.jpg

    Collaboration: Sharing Your AncestryDNA Results

    Not So Fast!  When a DNA Match Isn't What It Appears
    To Be

    Raise your Hand!
    I have my DNA Results.  Now What?

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    Do you have a question that you would like to see us answer in the DNA Classroom Lesson Blog?  Submit your question below and it might become a future lesson!

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    Our Services

    Comprehensive Research

    ​​Whether you were adopted, have an unknown parent, or are looking for a more distant ancestor, we provide comprehensive research to help you break through brick walls.

    Individualized Mentoring

    We offer individualized mentoring to help you with a specific research question.  Whether you need help getting started in understanding your results, or help with a specific tool to help you launch your research on your own, we're here to help.

    Group Education

    We are available to provide group instruction to genealogical societies, community groups, and high school biology classes.

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